Scientific Description:

Annual to perennial herbs, rarely shrubby. Leaves alternate, rarely sub-opposite or whorled, usually exstipulate, simple to much divided; petioles often large and sheathing at base. Inflorescence usually a compound umbel, rarely a simple umbel or capitate or very reduced and cymose. Bracts and bracteoles present or absent. Flowers epigynous, hermaphrodite or unisexual (rarely plant dioecious). Sepals absent or small, occasionally unequal. Petals 5, often bifid at the apex with an incurved point, all equal in size or outer petals larger than inner (radiant), white, yellow, yellowish-green, pale blue or pink. Stamens 5. Carpels (1−)2; ovules pendant, 1 per loculus; styles 2, usually with enlarged base (stylopodium). Fruit dry, consisting of (1−)2 indehiscent, terete or laterally or dorsally compressed carpels separated by a narrow or broad commissure, glabrous or with hairs, scales, vesicles, bristles or spines; carpels usually adnate to a simple or divided axis (carpophore) and separating when mature (carpophore occasionally absent); each mericarp usually with 5 primary and often 4 secondary longitudinal ridges; ridges sometimes winged or crested, separated by valleculae; resin canals (vittae) almost always present.


Davis PH (1972). Umbelliferae,
In: Davis PH (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinurgh, 4: 265.

Public Description:

Celery”, “carrot” or “parsley family” contains annual, biennial or perennial herbs, shrubs or trees, is distributed in worldwide. Carrot family contains well-known and economically important plants such as anise, carrot, celery, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, and parsley. They are mostly aromatic plants with hollow stems. Some species are also poisonous. The most defining characteristic of this family is the inflorescence: a simple or compound umbel-like structure.



Anonymous 1 (2015).http://www.wildflowers-and-weeds.com/Plant_Families/Apiaceae.htm, Accessed date: 19.12.2015.

Anonymous 2 (2015).https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apiaceae, Accessed date: 19.12.2015.

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