Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link Common Hedge Parsley

Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link - Common Hedge Parsley

Scientific Description:

Erect, stems up to 100 cm, often branched, retrorsely setose. Leaves very variable, 1−2-pinnate or sometimes the upper trifoliolate, the ultimate segments toothed or pinnatifid, strigose. Umbels terminal. Rays 2−12. Bracts 0−1. Bracteoles numerous, shorter than the flowers. Petals white or pink, radiant or not. Fruit ovoid, slightly compressed, 3.5−6 mm, the whole surface covered with straight or arching, patent, papillose spines.


subsp. purpurea (Ten.) Hayek

Rays not usually diverging; lower leaves 2-pinnate, upper usually trifoliolate with linear, entire or remotely dentate leaflets.


Flowering time: May−July.

Habitat: Scrub, slopes, fields, s.l.−1300 m.


Cullen J (1972). Torilis
arvensis (Huds.) Link, In: Davis PH (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinurgh, 4: 520.

Public Description:

Torilis arvensis subsp. purpurea, commonly known as “common hedge parsley”, grows naturally in Southern Europe, Turkey, Syria and Lebanon. It is an annual herb with pinkish or reddish striped white flower and grows up to 1 meter in height. It blooms between May and July, and grows in bushes, on slopes and on the fields.



Anonymous (2017)., Accessed date: 22.06.2017.

Menemen Y (2012). Torilis L., In: Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M. & Babaç, M.T. (eds.), Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. İstanbul, pp. 81–82.

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