Corylus avellana L. var. avellana L. Common Hazel

Corylus avellana L. var. avellana L. - Common Hazel

Scientific Description:

Large spreading shrub to 6 m, with brownish-grey, smooth bark. Young shoots yellowish-grey, hairy or glandular-pubescent. Leaves ovate to broadly ovate, 5−12 × 3−10 cm, with 6−9 pairs of veins, biserrate and slightly lobulate, abruptly acuminate at apex and cordate at base, dark green and slightly pubescent above, pale green and pubescent beneath. Petioles 0.5−2.5 cm, glandular hispid. Stipules oblong-ovate, obtuse, hairy. Staminate catkins to 9 cm, with broadly ovate bracts. Involucre mostly shorter or rarely slightly longer than nut, divided to half-way or a little more, usually irregularly dentate or deeply dissected on one side or both, stipitate-glandular below. Nut subglobose or ovoid with abruptly pointed tip, 10−22 × 9−16 mm, in clusters of 2−8 or sometimes singly.


var. avellana L.

Involucre dissected on two sides, usually shorter than nut.


Flowering time: February(−March).

Habitat: Deciduous broad-leaved forest (Quercus L.-Carpinus L.-Fagus L.) or mixed forest (Fagus L.-Abies L.or Picea Link), open Pinus nigra L. forests, pseudomacchie streamsides, river beds, 20-1700 m.



Yaltırık F (1982). Corylus avellana L., In: Davis PH (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 7: 687.

Public Description:

Corylus avellana var. avellana, known as “common hazel”, is native to Europe, western Asia, Greece, Türkiye and Cyprus, the Caucasus, and northwestern Iran. It is a large spreading shrub which reaching 6 m tall. Common hazel is cultivated for its nuts in commercial orchards in Europe, Türkiye, Iran and Caucasus. The raw or roasted seeds are edible or ground into a paste. The world's largest producer of hazelnuts, by a large margin, is Türkiye, specifically the Ordu Province. Turkish hazelnut production of 625,000 tonnes accounts for approximately 75% of worldwide production.



Anonymous (2016)., Accessed date: 07.02.2016.

Aksoy N (2012). Corylus L., In: Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M. & Babaç, M.T. (eds.), Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. İstanbul, pp. 219.

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