Scientific Description:
Perennial or annual herbs. Leaves long and narrow; phyllotaxis 1/3. Inflorescence of monochasial cymes (sometimes condensed into heads), usually many-flowered, rarely flowers solitary. Flowers actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, anemophilous, usually protogynous. Perianth segments 6, in 2 whorls, scarious, light to dark brown or herbaceous (in Türkiye). Stamens free, in (l–)2 whorls of 3; anthers basifixed, introrse. Ovary superior, of 3 fused carpels, 1- or 3-locular; stigmas 3; ovules 3 or numerous. Fruit a dehiscent, loculicidal capsule; embryo small; seeds endospermic, often with a basal appendage; endosperm helobial.
Davis PH (1985). Juncaceae, In: Davis PH (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 9: 1.
Public Description:
The “rust family”, contains slow-growing, rhizomatous, annual orperennial herbaceous plants and spreads especially in wet and humid areas all over the world. The evergreen leaves are well-developed on an erect stem and clustered at base. This family typically has a reduced flower segments. They are not bright or flashy in appearance and their colors are greenish, whitish, brown, purple, black or hyaline.Communities formed by members of this family in wetlands are an important shelter area for waterfowl and help prevent water erosion in wet areas.
Anonymous1 (2016). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juncaceae/, Accessed date: 14.02.2016.
Anonymous 2 (2018). http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/courses/systematics/family_index/Family_Pages/Family_I_J_K/Juncaceae.html, Accessed date: 07.02.2018.